Sunday, December 1, 2013

Running and Painting

Finally finished painting the living and dining rooms along with the hallway.  It is a minty green with the fireplace wall a shiny white and I'm loving it.  It really brightens up the space.  

I'm also loving that I spray painted the metal apples sitting on the desk a bright pinkish orange from their old 70's golden yellow.

Gretchen got a bunch of great birthday presents and she is loving all her new kitchen bakeware.  She is getting ready to spice up a pumpkin dish.

Friday 22nd:  Went to the gym and ran 10 miles in an attempt to get my mileage up.

Saturday 23rd:  Would of had to get to the gym right at 8 when child care opened because I had somewhere to be mid morning.  That didn't happen so basically no running happened. Fail.

Weekly Total:  31 miles

Sunday 24th:  Had free time so I ran outside for 8 miles, I think there was a high of 30˚ that day.

Monday 25th:  Ran 3 miles on home treadmill

Tuesday 26th:  5 miles at the gym in the morning then another 2 miles at night before suspension class

Wednesday 27th:  ran 3 miles outside with a running group.

Thursday 28th:  Thanksgiving day got out to my parents later than planned and only had time for 6 miles

Friday 29th:  Made the mistake of going out with my sister Thanksgiving night, no running

Saturday 30th:  Went to the gym for 8 miles on the  treadmill.

Weekly Total: 35 miles

Sunday 1st:  Today Gretchen let me run 3 miles on the basement treadmill.  Hoping I get in 40 miles this week but disappointed the weather is not going to agree with me.  Todays weather was perfect for running but I didn't have any free time.  It looks like I'll be able to run outside on Friday and Saturday when it is 30˚ and snowy. Oh Yah.


  1. Looks good! Did you dye the rug too? I like it. Tell Gretchen I want some snacks for Christmas.
