Friday, October 17, 2014


Found a good pic of myself on the Tough Mudder website.  I mean my face says "oh f this" but I'm covered in mud and I made it across so I think I look good.

The more I run the worse my diet gets.  Going to attempt to reintroduce fruits and vegetables to myself this week,  will see how that goes.

Found out where the sidewalk ends on one of my runs this week.

Got a new yoga mat since my old one was dirty and gross.  Probably should of unrolled it before I bought it.  "Dance Love Sing Live" has never been my mantra.

Miles Ran this Week:  60 
Time Spent Running: 8:40 about
Time Spent Lifting: 1:30  made it to the gym twice this week
Time Spent in YoPi classes: 2:00 I think it is good for stretching out the legs from running
Managed to get all my workouts in and still take 2 complete days off this week.  

Monday, October 13, 2014

Tough it Out

Gretchen finding use out of more of my running accessories.  We took a walk after dark the other night so headlamp came in handy.

Proof that I did a tough mudder on Saturday.  I couldn't decide if I really wanted to go or not because  I thought I would feel awkward in the group I was with but race money is never refundable so I went.  I guess it was mostly what I thought it would be.  10ish miles though a muddier than I expected field with obstacles every so often.  The running wasn't really hard, I mean it was sloshy mud the whole way but you stopped every mile or so for an obstacle.  Some of the obstacles had long lines and I really hate waiting in lines especially when you are freezing cold from jumping in a pit of water at the last obstacle.  Some of the obstacles were stupid:  walking through a creek for I'm guessing 1/4 mile,  it's cold and not fun but not hard to do.  Some of the obstacles were scary:  jumping off of a plank 25' high(I don't know how high it was just felt that high) I screamed like a girl,  jumping into a vat of ice filled dirty water and having to go under to reach the other side to get out and the monkey bars which were very long and over top a water pit.   The first two I just did without thinking because thinking would of caused me not to do them.  The monkey bars I thought there was no way I could get across without falling and was going to skip but went for it and didn't seem so impossible once I got going and it was either get across or fall into a pit of cold water.  
I'm glad I did one just to do it but would much prefer an ultra run over a mudder.  Mostly because  in Ultras there is no waiting, the aid stations are only a million times better and ultras aren't "produced" events.  You are running on the land how it exists naturally.   And of course I think ultra's make you way cooler and tougher than a tough mudder.

Miles ran last week:  40 low but not bad low.
No weights but getting back on that this week.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Things I'm Liking

*The married couple getting ready to bike on the trail the other day.  You were bitching at each other      in front of your kids about how the other one was doing everything wrong.  I find happy couples working out together extremely annoying but you two clearly are not and that  really brightened my day.

*What's cuter than a princess with her own hydration pack?

*I find this commercial to be hilarious.

*Most people don't know what a GMO is other than it's supposedly bad for you.  I thought this was funny.

*I had a great week of running last week logging in 53 miles.  This week might be more of a low mileage week but I'll bump it up next week so all good.