Monday, November 24, 2014

Go Run

So not loving this cold weather,  started doing some miles on the treadmill.  I feel like my life is really boring lately.  Gym, work, run, that's about it.  I know what you're thinking " Kristen your life is always this boring, nothings changed."

Gretchen did turn 4 this past week.  That was a big deal.  We had a party, she had a great time, getting lots of great clothes, Anna dolls, play dough and much more.  She told me she wanted a pineapple for her party.  I was like "yes, something I can deliver on!"  I didn't do a great job of taking pictures but oh well.

I had a Saturday morning off which never happens unless I ask off for a race so I signed up for volunteering for packet pick up at the Pilgrim Pacer race.  Really cold that morning and I forgot to bring my coveralls but glad I went.  First time at a race I wasn't running.

So cold!

Less than 10 weeks out from my 100miler.   This means only 7 weeks left of high mileage before tapering down for the race.  Thursday is my only day off work this week so planning on getting a serious amount of miles in before Thanksgiving dinner.  My longest run last week was only 15 miles so I need to pump that up a bit.

Friday, November 7, 2014

What's Up Round Up

Been a few weeks.  Had another solid 60 mile week then spent the next week sick only got in 29 miles.  Back on track this week hopefully finishing with 50+ miles after tomorrow.   Made it to the gym 4 times for weights and piyo once. 

Halloween happened, Gretchen went back and forth between Hello Kitty and princess Anna from Frozen.   Finally decided on Anna.

Found the ear piece to my headphones I lost in the gym parking lot over a month ago.  Decided it was best to leave it there to avoid disease and such.

Made a pie chart while I was lying around not running last week.  It's how I'd like to spend my time if you know I didn't have to work.  I suppose at some point I would want to be social but that could just overlap with any of the categories.

Then I went ahead and signed up for my first 100 mile race.  The Rocky Raccoon in Huntsville, TX on January 31st.  It will be the biggest Ultra race I have been to by far.  Last year they had 485 people start the race with 280 finishers.  It's a flat trail course of five 20mile laps.  From everything I have heard and read about the race I think I have a good shot at completing it in sub 24 hours.  I have nothing planned out as far as how I'm getting there or what I need to think about bringing or hotel room but it's happening.  I think it will be good even though I'm slightly less excited about getting to train in 30˚ temps this week.