Sunday, January 12, 2014

To Cold To Run...outside

Sunday:  Snow and way colder than freezing cold temperatures.  I stayed home all day and did nothing that resembled exercise.  I did dream about living some where warm.  I also looked back to see when the last time I went without exercise for a whole day.  It was November 29th the day after Thanksgiving.  My sister took me out to Pine Street Thanksgiving night.  I assume that is enough of an explanation.

Monday:  Trip to the gym in the am for 6 miles on the treadmill.  Then a weight workout.  In the pm I taught cycle class.

Tues:  Just went to the gym in the pm for suspension class, had time for 4 treadmill miles before class.

Wednesday:  Gym in the am.  Gretchen went to totsercise I ran 7 miles on the treadmill.  Finished with a cycle of push ups, planks and russian twists.

Thursday:  Had time for 4 miles after AOA resistance training.  Back at the gym later for Coaching Connections and a suspension class.  After work I had time for 3 miles back on the treadmill that I am so so sick of at this point.

Friday:  Gym in the am.  6 miles on the treadmill then weights.  Gretchen had basketball practice in the pm.  It took me about 15 minutes to talk her into joining the other kids.  I thought this was weird because she is usually very social.  She did however pick out her own outfit and was the most stylish player on the team.

Sat: Was wanting to do a lot more today but I was a few minutes later to the gym than planned and the child care workers hadn't shown up yet when I did get there.  But the front desk lady was nice and offered to let Gretchen hang with her till someone showed up.  I got in 8 miles before we had to head out.

Sun:  Warm weather finally!  Windy but warm.  I really wanted to run outside outside and it worked out that I could head out my parents way.  I met them for lunch then left my car in town and rode with them out to their house.  I then had to run back to town to get my car.  Great plan!  This made my entire run with the wind not against it.  It can get extremely windy out in the country.  10 miles done.

Picking up my car that I had left to hang out with Old Drum till I ran back.

Last week ended with only a total of 38 miles.  Not as high as I want but with the beyond cold temps it was all run on the treadmill.

Planing on more miles this week and a half marathon on Saturday.

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