Tuesday, January 28, 2014

So This Is Happening


I said a 50 mile race was a goal for the year.  So when I saw this race I figured it was the one.  It is only an hour drive from my house, affordable and flat.  My 3 criteria.  It is coming up super quickly, sooner than I wanted but there is not a lot of local choices for the 50 mile.  Then considering that most of my training has to be on the roads or treadmill a hard trail wouldn't be a great choice for my first 50 miler.  

My goal of the race is to finish and not feel like death rather than a certain time.  I am just trying to log 50+ miles a week and hopefully closer to 65 a week at the peak.  The 2nd part of my training is working up to running 50 miles in a two day period.  Right now I'm at 30 miles for a 2 day long run.  Saturday I ran for 15.5 miles total and Sunday I did 14.5.  My legs still felt pretty good after Sundays run so I'm feeling a lot better about this race going well.  My biggest concern is the long runs.  I really can't go that long on a treadmill so I have to work out my babysitting and the weather.  That worked out for me this past weekend but for the most part these winter temps are a little too cold for me.  Especially when trying to run long distance.

Last half mile on Sunday was actually walking the dog but I was also caring this on my shoulders so I think it counts.

I'm looking for a volunteer to drive me home after the race.  Anyone love me enough to drive me home?  This would probably also mean dropping me off since I won't want to leave my car there.  I hear Ottawa is a great place to hang out for 10 hours or not so much.


  1. 50 miles wow. I could go with you. When is the race? MOM

  2. I'd drive you but I'll probably still be celebrating my birthday. I'm having a hard time getting my meager miles in too. I ran at the gym today, but they have a 30 minute limit on the treadmills! and yesterday I ran on the 1/20th mile track for 80 rounds… I got pretty dizzy. Oh and its 9 degrees out.
