Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Greatest Fear Realized and Back At It

So apparently I was a little delusional at 3am on the trail about there being no one close enough to hear me singing.  I guess having someone hear me sing was better than someone attempting to murder me.

Took a solid week off from running after the race.  My legs felt fine after a couple of days but my feet were still achy.  I started back with 4 slow miles yesterday.  Not the best but not bad, felt good to run again.  Feet didn't seem to like the first 1/2 mile while they were on concrete but fine after that.

I quit lifting weights about a month and a half before the race, mostly because I was using all my exercise time to run and then didn't want to make my muscles all sore right before the race.  I started back up with the weights and my muscles are all a whole diffrent kind of sore this week.

And I decided on the rest of my race schedule for the year.  I had already signed up for Rock and Roll, Free State, and Rockbridge before running the 100 miles but wanted to hold off on signing up on any more 100's till I knew how I felt about them.  Turns out I want more.  I'm going with the Hawk for my 2nd 100.  I did the 50 last year and it's a good race and nice course.  I kinda wanted to do something different but its local so lots cheaper than traveling and I already have 2 runcations this year.  

Free State 100k April 18th

Hawk 100mile September 12th

Rockbridge Revenge 50k  October 3rd

1 comment:

  1. what!!! You plan to run that many miles. Good luck. MOM
