Saturday for the 3rd year in a row I ran Psycho Psummer 50k. It falls right around my birthday every year so it's my own kinda birthday party. I mean what's more fun than running all day? Not much.
I got up at 6:00 after not a lot of sleep but I never sleep that much the night before a race. I had sat everything I needed out the day before so I pretty much just threw my clothes on grabbed everything and was out the door. I stopped at Quick Trip for a coffee to drink along with a cup of Nunn water on the 30 minute drive over. I ate a Honey Stinger chocolate waffle earlier in the morning and then 1/2 a banana about 30 minutes before the race start.
I picked up fellow racer Jeremiah on the way over. It was his first 50k and I know he was pumped about it. This picture is clearly Pre race. It didn't seem like we were there long before the race started. Just long enough to get everything situated and use the bathroom a couple of times.
At an aid station stop shortly after I fell on the trail during the 2nd loop. That's why I've got dirt all over. I kinda fell and slid a little. The guy running behind me asked If I was ok. I said "do I look ok? " Since I hit my lip I wasn't sure. He said I looked fine so I said I was fine walked for like a minute before running again.
For fuel during the race I drank a ton of water, drank heed at the aid stations on the first 2 loops then coke on the third loop. I ate at least 12 salt pills, had pb&j roll ups, pickles, pringles, fig netons, watermelon and one package of honey stinger chews.
Finishing the 2nd loop, about to go back for one more. The race is 3 loops around a lake each 10.3 miles. The first loop you pretty much have people around you the whole time. Different people since everyone is moving around each other to settle into a pace but still people around the whole time. 2nd loop there is people here and there but you're by yourself a good bit. 3rd loop you are pretty much running by yourself. I really felt good this entire race. Except for falling down twice I never was really like ugh get this over with, my legs while tired never felt that bad. At least when I'm comparing them to how they have felt in previous races.
During the third loop at about mile 22 I'm guessing just before the first aid station I ran up on a guy walking who didn't look like he was doing to good. So I asked and he didn't respond. I turned around and he just starts barfing and dry heaving. I told him I'd get the aid station to come out and he said he'd be ok till then. The aid station was only about 1/4 mile away, and they went out after him. I've been there before, dehydration sucks. But seeing that really got me jazzed up about my running, really made that first half of the last lap fly by.
My Garmin quit on me 3 miles before the finish. I figured it would but hopping it wouldn't because for some reason looking at it made the miles seem like they were going by fast that day. I don't know why since all the miles were slower and harder than what I usually run.

Bib# 2696
- 10 Mile Time: 1:50:25
- 20 Mile Time: 1:59:06
- 50K Time: 2:11:47
- Total Pace: 11:38/M
- 10 Mile Rank: 19
- 20 Mile Rank: 16
- 50K Rank: 15
- Age Group: Overall Female
- Age Group: Overall Female
- Gen Place: 3
I had no idea that I had a shot at placing at this race. So when I finished and the race director came over and handed me the award for 3rd place female I was surprised. I also didn't know there was prize money involved. Getting a $100 check for placing in a race is fun too. I finished 3/19 female finishers and 18/61 total finishers.
Psycho Psummer is a quality race experience with the fantastic aid stations, free race photos, shirt, beer mug, medal.
ReplyDeleteNice job! The trail looks a lot more technical than I had imagined. Third place is awesome.
ReplyDeleteNice meeting you at the start! Congrats on a great race and tx for the recap!