Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Winning, Not Winning

Looks like I found a pacer for the Rocky Raccoon.  Never met him but he is apparently from the area, is familiar with the trails we'll be running and upon inspection of his FB page runs a ton completed a full iron man this year and loves beer.  I am so pumped he offered to pace.  My day was really looking up then I went grocery shopping and they were completely out of Boulevard Nutcracker Ale.  You win some you lose some.

Started my Christmas shopping today got about half way through it all.  Switched gears for the afternoon getting out in the warm 30˚ overcast weather for 22 miles.  Saw a few bikers and one other runner while I was out.  Two miles from being finished I decided to walk for a moment and take some pics of all the geese and deer but my phone died as soon as I snapped one pic.  No music for the last two miles but made it through without my jams.

Half way through my run I snacked on a gingerbread cliff bar.  So freaking delicious or I was starving and 11 miles from my car, either way.  Later this evening Gretchen wanted to make gingerbread men cookies so I bought a mix and we made some.  So not good at all.  Should of bought more cliff bars and cut men out of them.

This evening I got an email saying I had been accepted as a Nuun ambassador for 2015.  Nuun is my sports drink of choice already so this is exciting for me.  It is a 7 calorie electrolyte enhanced drink tabs that dissolve in your water bottle.  No sugar or sugar substitutes and so tasty.  The energy flavors are caffeinated.

Flavors currently in my cabinet. 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Long Run

Ran to the start of the trail on my 22 mile long run last week.  It was in the mid 30's, not to bad.  They have new mile markers every 2/10ths of a mile now with exact location information on them now.  Now when someone wants to murder me I can ask them to hold off till I can make a call and give the 911 operator my exact location.

This Thursday my official long run day I started off with an hour of piyo in the morning.  When your piyo instructor shows up at your Christmas party you kinda have to start showing up at her class again.  It's a great class I just was lazy and missed last week.  Class was great other than I don't know how I feel about the free style sun salutations.  I prefer just being told what to do.  After I went home napped then finally got out to run after 1.  Only saw 2 cyclist the whole time I was out.  Ran 20 miles went home showered put on a clean running outfit and immediately drove out to run another 4-5ish miles with the BAR group.  Does it make sense to shower just to go out and run again?  I have no idea but it feels right.

Only have 155.5 miles left to hit 2000 for the year.  With just short of 3 weeks left it seems like no big deal since I should be running over 50 every week anyway.  

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Ways To Save With The Good Stuff

Christmas is not really my favorite time of the year just more to do and money to spend but in an effort not to be a total scrooge this year I bought Gretchen a Christmas tree.  She was really excited about it.  I let her start the decorating but then helped even things out.

A fun way to save on decorations is to make them yourself.  Here are some that I made in past years at Christmas.

A pinecone wreath made by painting pinecones and glueing them onto a plain wreath.
Ornaments made wrapping strips of pretty elastics around strofoam balls and knotting the ends.

Ornaments made by cutting the shape out of stiffened felt then decorated with glitter and ric rac.
Ornaments made by cutting hearts out of cardboard and glueing craft feathers to cover. web magazine The Good Stuff is featuring gift guides to help you find gifts for everyone on your list.  They have budget friendly gifts, gifts for enthusiasts and hostess gifts.  Along with the gift guides is throwing The Good Stuff 2014 Holiday Sweepstakes where they are picking one $100 winner a week till Christmas and one $500 grand prize winner.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

I Ran Now Give Me Pie

Had a really solid 20 mile run Thanksgiving morning.  I was not looking forward to it and not sure how it would go seeing how it was a super warm 25˚ out.  I was starting out at my parents house and planned to run to my sister's house in Warrensburg, exactly 10 miles away.  

About 5 miles out I decided I wouldn't turn around and texted my sister on my ETA at her house.  Then took a couple of pictures.  The whole run was a lot more pleasant than I pictured it being. Even though it was below freezing out there was really no wind.  I had dressed well for the run and did take a 30 minute break at my sister's house to dry out my sweaty clothes(gross I know).  She had water and saltines with peanut butter which was perfect snack for running the 10 miles back to my parents house.  The run back went by fast and I was starving when I reached my parents house.  Worked out perfectly since there was a Thanksgiving dinner to eat.

Got mentioned in the December issue of Ultra Running magazine.  A magazine no one has ever heard of but it exists.  It was a race report on the Hawk in September.  

Finished last week with 52 miles and the week before with 51 all ok but need to beef it up with only 6 weeks left of training till taper for the Rocky Raccoon.  Weather guys are says temps and conditions look to be pretty mild for the first half of December so I'm hopping.  Decent temps would make training so much easier and pleasant.  

Monday, November 24, 2014

Go Run

So not loving this cold weather,  started doing some miles on the treadmill.  I feel like my life is really boring lately.  Gym, work, run, that's about it.  I know what you're thinking " Kristen your life is always this boring, nothings changed."

Gretchen did turn 4 this past week.  That was a big deal.  We had a party, she had a great time, getting lots of great clothes, Anna dolls, play dough and much more.  She told me she wanted a pineapple for her party.  I was like "yes, something I can deliver on!"  I didn't do a great job of taking pictures but oh well.

I had a Saturday morning off which never happens unless I ask off for a race so I signed up for volunteering for packet pick up at the Pilgrim Pacer race.  Really cold that morning and I forgot to bring my coveralls but glad I went.  First time at a race I wasn't running.

So cold!

Less than 10 weeks out from my 100miler.   This means only 7 weeks left of high mileage before tapering down for the race.  Thursday is my only day off work this week so planning on getting a serious amount of miles in before Thanksgiving dinner.  My longest run last week was only 15 miles so I need to pump that up a bit.

Friday, November 7, 2014

What's Up Round Up

Been a few weeks.  Had another solid 60 mile week then spent the next week sick only got in 29 miles.  Back on track this week hopefully finishing with 50+ miles after tomorrow.   Made it to the gym 4 times for weights and piyo once. 

Halloween happened, Gretchen went back and forth between Hello Kitty and princess Anna from Frozen.   Finally decided on Anna.

Found the ear piece to my headphones I lost in the gym parking lot over a month ago.  Decided it was best to leave it there to avoid disease and such.

Made a pie chart while I was lying around not running last week.  It's how I'd like to spend my time if you know I didn't have to work.  I suppose at some point I would want to be social but that could just overlap with any of the categories.

Then I went ahead and signed up for my first 100 mile race.  The Rocky Raccoon in Huntsville, TX on January 31st.  It will be the biggest Ultra race I have been to by far.  Last year they had 485 people start the race with 280 finishers.  It's a flat trail course of five 20mile laps.  From everything I have heard and read about the race I think I have a good shot at completing it in sub 24 hours.  I have nothing planned out as far as how I'm getting there or what I need to think about bringing or hotel room but it's happening.  I think it will be good even though I'm slightly less excited about getting to train in 30˚ temps this week.

Friday, October 17, 2014


Found a good pic of myself on the Tough Mudder website.  I mean my face says "oh f this" but I'm covered in mud and I made it across so I think I look good.

The more I run the worse my diet gets.  Going to attempt to reintroduce fruits and vegetables to myself this week,  will see how that goes.

Found out where the sidewalk ends on one of my runs this week.

Got a new yoga mat since my old one was dirty and gross.  Probably should of unrolled it before I bought it.  "Dance Love Sing Live" has never been my mantra.

Miles Ran this Week:  60 
Time Spent Running: 8:40 about
Time Spent Lifting: 1:30  made it to the gym twice this week
Time Spent in YoPi classes: 2:00 I think it is good for stretching out the legs from running
Managed to get all my workouts in and still take 2 complete days off this week.  

Monday, October 13, 2014

Tough it Out

Gretchen finding use out of more of my running accessories.  We took a walk after dark the other night so headlamp came in handy.

Proof that I did a tough mudder on Saturday.  I couldn't decide if I really wanted to go or not because  I thought I would feel awkward in the group I was with but race money is never refundable so I went.  I guess it was mostly what I thought it would be.  10ish miles though a muddier than I expected field with obstacles every so often.  The running wasn't really hard, I mean it was sloshy mud the whole way but you stopped every mile or so for an obstacle.  Some of the obstacles had long lines and I really hate waiting in lines especially when you are freezing cold from jumping in a pit of water at the last obstacle.  Some of the obstacles were stupid:  walking through a creek for I'm guessing 1/4 mile,  it's cold and not fun but not hard to do.  Some of the obstacles were scary:  jumping off of a plank 25' high(I don't know how high it was just felt that high) I screamed like a girl,  jumping into a vat of ice filled dirty water and having to go under to reach the other side to get out and the monkey bars which were very long and over top a water pit.   The first two I just did without thinking because thinking would of caused me not to do them.  The monkey bars I thought there was no way I could get across without falling and was going to skip but went for it and didn't seem so impossible once I got going and it was either get across or fall into a pit of cold water.  
I'm glad I did one just to do it but would much prefer an ultra run over a mudder.  Mostly because  in Ultras there is no waiting, the aid stations are only a million times better and ultras aren't "produced" events.  You are running on the land how it exists naturally.   And of course I think ultra's make you way cooler and tougher than a tough mudder.

Miles ran last week:  40 low but not bad low.
No weights but getting back on that this week.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Things I'm Liking

*The married couple getting ready to bike on the trail the other day.  You were bitching at each other      in front of your kids about how the other one was doing everything wrong.  I find happy couples working out together extremely annoying but you two clearly are not and that  really brightened my day.

*What's cuter than a princess with her own hydration pack?

*I find this commercial to be hilarious.

*Most people don't know what a GMO is other than it's supposedly bad for you.  I thought this was funny.

*I had a great week of running last week logging in 53 miles.  This week might be more of a low mileage week but I'll bump it up next week so all good.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

And More Running

New to me route that I'm liking on cloudy days.  The path travels by the road but not a ton of traffic and senic views.  This run was sunny and 80˚ so a bit warm with no shade.  5.5 miles is as far out as I've ran on it so not sure how far it goes yet.

As far as running goes this week went great.   I had no trouble hitting 48 miles while still having 2 days off.  My knee pain from last week is all gone.  Had a long run on Wednesday of 21 miles divided up before and after work.   

Miles Ran:  48
Time Spent Running: 6:40
Time Spent with Weights: 2:15

I've been trying to get Gretchen to go for walks in the evenings.  She says yes or even suggests we go but then half way up the street this happens.  I get a good 1/2 mile in with all 38lbs of her on my back.

Monday, September 22, 2014

What's Up

Win at Life?  There was zero information in the issue about how to win at life.  Thank you Self, the most pointless magazine ever that I only subscribe to because you've got me on auto pay from clicking the wrong button on the Active website once.  

This week I felt like I recovered super fast.  Felt like I was good to go by Wednesday morning.  Ran 8 miles on Wednesday then Thursday went out for 9.  Unfortunately my knee was bothered by this.  I think it was just still bruised from falling on it in the race.  It only felt bothered by impact exercise.  To be smart I didn't run again till today and I think it's recovered.

Time spent running: about 2:15 didn't have a watch for all of it but thats about right.
Time spent lifting: about 2:00  Started at new gym this week.  It's convenient and not to packed when I go.  I feel like I'm going to have a hard time getting a squat rack when I want it but other than that it's good.

Plans for the week include plenty of gym time, getting out of the house a bit earlier in the mornings and as many miles as my body tells me it can do.  Slowly working on getting my mileage base up to 60.  Trying to build a relationship with my pull up bar.  Needs to get serious so I can make these pull ups happen.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Hawk 50 Mile

On Saturday I ran the Hawk 50 mile race.  I through my supplies, race bag and outfit choice together Friday night.  It was going to be in the low 40's at the start of the race so I was a little conceded about what to wear since it's been a few months since we hit those temps.  Thinking back now the temps for this race were about the same as the 50 mile I ran back in March.  I went with the shorts I've worn to my other two ultras this year, knee high compression socks and a short sleeve running shirt.  Brooks trail running shoes that I have decided I hate.  They just don't fit right, my ankle slips around to much.  If anyone wants them they are size 9 and pretty if you knock all the dirt off.  Only have 86 miles on them.   Then took a hat, gloves and extra long sleeve shirt to start the race.  For gear I had a camelback back pack for water, headlamp for running the first hour in the dark.  Other things I took:  body glide(most important item by far), honey stinger chews, honey stinger waffles, watches, extra socks.

Went to bed at 11 an hour later than planned.  Alarm went off at 3:30, got out of bed at 3:45.  Made coffee, threw on my clothes, teeth brushed, face washed, grabbed coffee and race bag out the door.

Great hour drive out to Clinton Lake near Lawrence, KS.  No one is on the road at 4 on Saturday morning.  Volunteers pointed me where to park and I headed over to packet pickup.  Made a port-o-potty stop then back to the car to prepare.  Stripped down to my race outfit and broke out the body glide to lube up everywhere there is the slightest chance of chaffing.  Pinned on my bib, made sure I had everything, one more stop at the port-o-potty and then up to the waiting area.

Just before 6 the race director said a few things about the trail markings and we headed over to the parking lot to start.  First time running in the dark and I had only tried out the headlamp on in my house but it worked out.

First hour was in the dark and there was runners around me for this time.  I was mostly just spending this hour thinking about how I needed not to fall.  I didn't fall the first hour.  A little after the first hour and a little after the 1st aid station stop I was pretty much running by myself the rest of the race.  There were a couple of 100miler guys I'd pass or they would pass me a few times but pretty much it.  


The race was two 25mile loops at Clinton Lake State Park.  Really pretty trails.  I did have to spend most of my time looking down to see all the rocks and tree roots while running.  I mostly succeeded.  I only fell 3 times and got right back up each time, no biggie.  The trail was really well marked, so glad because I'm always worried about getting lost and adding miles to my run.  The trail couldn't have been marked better really.  I was never concerned I was going the wrong way.  Well, a few times I thought where is another pink flag or tree marking but I'd see one before I freaked out about it.

There was two aid stations that you went by twice on each loop.  The volunteers were fantastic and so were the food options.  I had PB &J tortilla roll ups, Pringles, pickles, Oreos,  little Debbie nutty bars, salted potatoes, salt caps, along with heed sports drink and soda.   I also ate one pack of chews that I brought on my 2nd loop.  I should have ate more before the race but I wasn't feeling it.  I had 2 honey stinger waffles for 310 calories.  I was starving all day.  I keep thinking I got enough at each aid station but like 30 minutes later I'd be hungry again.

I had no idea how this race would play out for me since my training miles weren't near as high as I wanted.  My longest run since the 50k back in July was only 16 miles.  This is the number one thing I'm going to work on.  Just getting more miles in would really improve my times I think.  Plus seeing the 100miler runners out there going twice as far as me especially the amazing female 100miler winner who is the same age as me.  Well, I'm going to need to start adding a lot more miles if I'm going to run a 100mile race next year.


I finished 1/13 female finishers and 7/29 overall.

Trail knee.

Thursday, September 11, 2014


Two days away from the 50mile race and running out of things to do with my free time.  I mean I have a ton of things I need to do but I usually avoid doing all those things by running or going to the gym.
I miss my dog, she was crazy but she took up a lot of my time and attention now I have more time to think.  That's no good.  Plus going for a walk isn't the same if you don't have a dog with you.
I'm mostly thinking about how dumb it is to go by myself to a 50 mile race that is an hour away.  I feel like it's going to end badly.  Die alone on the trail kind of thing.  I'm being dramatic but I'm worried I'm going to get sick and have to drive myself back pulling over every couple of minutes to barf or worse.
I was out of coffee this morning so I had to stop at the store right after dropping Gretchen off at preschool.  This happened.

Hershey's cereal, not healthy but delicious, dark chocolate covered almonds, kinda healthy and delicious,  last chocolate flavored powered peanut butter, healthy.  Gretchen and I used it in some banana smoothies we made, so good.

So I saw this recent story of a female runner being attacked while running and I love it.  

Monday, September 8, 2014

Run the Burg

With the 50 mile Hawk race coming up this weekend I'm doing only a little running and no weights so hopefully my muscles will be nice and rested.  We will see.  

Bought myself a pack of fancy new running shirts unfortunately did not come with the man.

Joined a new gym.  Turns out the new gym is cheaper than the YMCA I worked at now that I don't need gym child care and it's 10miles closer.  The membership guy was all "we have the same birthday, July 13th 1990, high fives!"  1990?  No membership guy I'm not high fiveing that.

I did the Run the Burg half marathon on Saturday.  It wasn't great, slow pace even for me.  I felt fine just my legs specifically my quads felt tired and the race was hilly.   

Event: Run the Burg 5K, 10K, Half Marathon

Profile Image


Bib# 364






  • Gun Time: 1:44:36
  • Pace: 7:59/M


  • Age Group: F 35-39
  • AG Place: 2
  • Gender Place: 9

Nice race shirts but I got a small and it's pretty baggy on me.

Finishers medal and glass for 2nd in age group.

Still need to plan out my race day outfit and drop bag.